My job is burning me out and I don’t know what to do
Twice a week we publish problems that will feature in a forthcoming Dear Jeremyadvice column in the Saturday Guardian so that readers can offer their own advice and suggestions. We then print the best of your comments alongside Jeremy’s own insights. Here is the latest dilemma – what are your thoughts?
I have worked at a local authority for the past 10 years. We have had a turbulent time over for the past 12 months, with changes of senior staff and a blame culture. My manager left in January. A consultant has been appointed to implement improvements in my area, though she does not know whether she is supposed to manage me. She says she is trying to find out. I feel burned out and fear I lack the skills and energy to make the changes the organisation wants.
I am trying – so far unsuccessfully – to find a new job and would take a pay cut if necessary. Friends have suggested I get signed off for stress, as I am not sleeping and am very anxious about work. However, if I did that I am not sure what would make me able to come back to my job – and I need to go back, even if only until I find another.
I am pretty sure senior staff would be pleased if I left. I don’t know whether or how to be honest with them about not feeling able to do my job competently any more, as my relationships with them are not good. I could take some leave, but would be concerned that the staff I manage would have a difficult time trying to pick up my work.
Do you need advice on a work issue? For Jeremy’s and readers’ help, send a brief email to Please note that he is unable to answer questions of a legal nature or to reply personally.
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